Networking event

Networking event on 25th May 2016 – NCP Transport

Within the framework of the international conference TAP 2016, the French National Contact Point (N.C.P.), in the field of Transport, organizes a networking event on 25 May 2016 from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

This networking event will provide an opportunity for the participants of the conference looking for partners, regarding the 2017 calls, to meet and present their work and their organization, in relation to the  Work Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020.

The calls 2017 being dealt with will refer to the topics and modes being covered during TAP 2016, based on the Transport Work Programme 2016-2017 as well as other challenges (Energy, Environment, Climate…).

 To be noted:

  • The calls planned for 2017 are announced in the preliminary Work Programmes 2016-2017 which are in the process of being revised
  • The changes will be very limited and will be based on either a clarification of the existing texts or a very slight revision of the budgets
  • The Work Programmes should be adopted by the European Commission in July 2016 and the opening date of the calls is planned on 20 September 2016

The registration to TAP 2016 is the only precondition for the participation to the networking session

Presentations for the networking event

Participants who are interested are invited to present their organization, their idea of project or expertise/skills in the form of a brief oral presentation which should not last more than 5 minutes, and using 2 or 3 slides.

The following procedure is to be followed:

  • To use the PowerPoint template designed for this purpose
  • To register on line for this presentation before the 15th May 2016
  • To send the presentation (pdf) before the 15th May 2016, mailto

Click here to register for this networking event

Click here to download the template presentation


Work Programmes to be downloaded

WP Transport 2016-2017

WP Energy 2016-2017

WP Environment/Climate 2016-2017




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